Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I got my hair cut yesterday. It's been a long time! Today I'm dyeing my gray roots. I didn't want to do it. I just wanted to ignore my hair today. The only reason I did it is because I promised myself, in writing, right here on this blog, that I'd do something every day this week for my appearance.

Tomorrow I'm going to go get my eyebrows waxed. Now that I've written it there's no turning back. I'll have to actually get out of my pajamas to get that accomplished!


  1. do you love your hair? I always feel so differnt when I get my haircut..I am amazed that when I go in I look so much older and weary looking than when I leave the salon...I wish I had someone to do my hair everyday!!

  2. It's better than it was, a little shorter than I wanted, but it grows fast. At least the split ends are gone! (and now the gray too.)

  3. How much more wonderful is it possible to get if one is already beautiful? ;-)

  4. And how wonderful would it be if we could all realize how beautiful we are? :-)

  5. You Go Girl!!! Blessings to you and yours in the new year!

  6. Beautifully written comment on my blog about fighting worry. I love it. Thanks.
