Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year - New Challenge

Happy New Year!

I'm suffering from post-holiday burnout, I think. I don't want to do anything. It's like I used up everything I had doing the Christmas thing, and now I'm just spent.

I finished up my week of beauty by getting my eyebrows waxed and dyeing my hair. Then on Friday I did my hair and makeup and went out with some friends to a club. I even did a little dancing! All I want to do is sleep now, though.

I'm needing to get back to the water drinking. I did well with that for a few days, but went back to not drinking water again. Hold on, I'll go get a glass now!

Let's see, what is the best way to challenge myself this week? I think since I've fallen into a sluggish, can't get out of bed, can't sleep at night routine, I will get out of bed at 7:00 every morning, even if all I can do is go sit on the couch when I get up. I will resist the lure of sleeping in, which, to me, is like a lover calling my name every morning. "Beth, come back to me, I will make you feel soooo good." I love sleep. Too much of it, too late in the morning makes me feel bad, though, so it's time to change that habit.


  1. good for you! it is hard to get up and get going when the bed calls your name so lovingly! i am going to try to get up and make my bed right away this week so im not tempeted to crawl back in....good work you can do it!

  2. My bed does the same...
    How strange...


  3. Sounds like a plan! Happy New Year! Just make sure you are doing these things because you want to and not because you are depriving yourself. Have fun!

  4. Good point, Mark! Part of me wants to do nothing but sleep and sit around, but I think the bigger part of me, the wiser part of me recognizes that I do need to start making choices that, while they aren't easy to do in the moment, will lead me to feeling better in the long run.
