Friday, January 8, 2010

How to Get a Grip

I've had a rocky week. I only managed to get up at 7:00 am, like I had planned to do, twice this week, and both of those days I ended up taking long naps. I did get some important things accomplished, Christmas decorations put away, menu planned, and groceries bought, but I'm extremely tired and more slothful than normal. I'll keep trying, though, because it is important to me to start my day earlier. Morning is when I do my best writing!

Meanwhile, I had a dream. I dreamed I was wearing the new warm fluffy socks I got for Christmas, but on our hardwood floors, I just slipped and slid and couldn't gain any traction. I was stuck, unable to move forward.

When I woke up I thought about how much I feel like that in my life. I started wondering what I could have done in my dream to get a grip (literally!) and get moving.

I could have taken my socks off my feet, but then they would have quickly gotten cold, and I would have just put them back on again. My only other options would be to either change socks, choose a pair that is adequately warm but not so soft, or I could add something to the socks, like maybe some duct tape to the bottom so that I could walk without sliding.

I think that is the best way to change. Instead of taking something away, leaving yourself deprived, wanting, or needing, it's best to either replace an undesirable habit with a better one or to add something to your life that might be missing. So, I'll be thinking in the next few days about what I can reasonably change without feeling deprived and what I can add to my life to make my life better.


  1. They say change is as good as a rest so I'm with you there, Beth. I also think, thinking about what is good about your life now rather than looking back at what hasn't been the highlight of your life helps you to move forward with a spring in your step. My brother and I talked about our childhood together over the Christmas holiday and neither of us thought our childhood was a happy one, but when we both shared our memories of good times we were both amazed how brighter our childhood seemed. Sometimes good things are overshadowed and lost in the not-so-good times. I'm not say it makes it easier to forget or forgive but it goes a long way to making the future much brighter by letting go of the past.

    Keep moving forward my dear new friend.

  2. First off I love those socks!!! Great post Beth! I plan on seeing great change in my life this year! Blessings.

  3. Your last paragraph shows such wisdom Beth.

    Good luck finding something and make sure you let us know..!


  4. When you have a bit of time, Beth, please drop by my bolg and pick up your award for such an interesting blog.

  5. This is a very good way to look at your dream and the dream that you live every day. The other option would have been to put shoes or slippers on.

  6. It didn't even occur to me to put on shoes. lol

  7. Great insights. I love your blog name!! ;)
